Our group focuses on understanding materials evolution under extreme conditions using multiscale computational modeling. Formulating theoretical models of materials behavior under a variety of far-from-equilibrium conditions, e.g. shock-loading, very fast deformation rates, high dose and dose rate irradiation, ultrafast heating, etc., requires a deep understanding of a wide range of physical processes. We develop efficient computational techniques to implement these materials models, taking advantage of large-scale parallel computing capabilities. At every possible scale, our simulations are benchmarked against and validated with experimental data to build confidence in the models. Specific areas of interest are microstructural evolution and mechanical property degradation in fusion materials, simulations of plastic deformation in alloys, simulations of thermodynamics and phase transformations in functional materials, strength in nanostructured crystals, and simulations of irradiation damage in a variety of situations. The overarching goal of our work is to influence materials synthesis and design by understanding their internal evolution under prescribed conditions.


We made the cover of the J. of Appl. Phys, Oct 2020

my images

Group News

November 2023:
   Collin Roberts has successfully defended his thesis on phase field models of selective laser sintering of metals. Congratulations Dr Roberts!
August 2023:
   Jaime is the PI on a four-year multi-institutional proposal bringing together materials scientists, computational scientists, and applied mathematicians for developing simulation codes of reactor materials degradation in realistic fusion oeration conditions. The project involves investigators from five different universities (UCLA, Stony Brook, Wisconsin, Miami, and Villanova) and four National Laboratories (ORNL, PNNL, INL, and SNL).
July 2023:
   The Marian group has received two new grants from DOE to study materials degradation processes in neutron irradiation environments.
   The first one is part of the Office of Nuclear Energy's NEUP program, where we will study irradiation-assisted stress corrison cracking in austenitic steels. UCLA is the lead institution in a collaboration with UC Berkeley, EPRI, and Westinghouse Corporation.
   The second one is part of the INFUSE program to foster public-private partnerships to advance fusion energy. The Marian group at UCLA (lead) and a group at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville will assist Commonwealth Fusion Systems (CFS) to develop structural materials for CFS' tokamak concepts.
April 2023:
   The Marian group is part of an Advanced International Collaborative Research Program (AdCORP) recently awarded by the JST (Japan Science and Technology Agency. The project also includes Nobel Laureate Prof Hiroshi Amano from Nagoya University, and Prof Grace Xing from Cornell University.
December 2022:
   Our recent paper on irradiation creep modeling (in the Journal of Applied Physics) has been featured on Kudos.
October 2022:
   Our recent paper on loop climb and coalescence dynamics (in Physical Review Materials) has been featured on the journal's Twitter page.
August 2022:
   Jaime has been featured in DOE's front page!
July 2022:
   Cameron and Shu have successfully defended their PhD dissertations! Congratulations to Drs McElfresh and Huang, PhDs in Materials Science and Engineering from UCLA!
March 2022:
   Qianran has successfully defended her thesis! Congratulations to Dr Yu, PhD in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering from UCLA!
September 2021:
   We welcome two new graduate students to the Marian group. Peng Geng is joining us from USC as a new PhD student, and Jorge Fernandez-Coppel is coming from the University of Alabama as a new Masters student.
   Jaime is starting a two-quarter sabbatical in Spain as a visiting scientist at IMDEA Materials. He will also be collaborating with researchers at UPM's IFN-GV and CIEMAT's nucler materials group while in Madrid, as well as colleagues throughout the rest of Spain and Europe.
July 2021:
   We welcome two new visitors to the Marian group: Prof Dan Mordehai from the Technion in Israel, and Etienne Gdenzi from Universite Paris-XIII in France.
March 2021:
   Prof Jaime Marian will join a team of researchers across the US who will explore high power electric propulsion for human exploration of the solar system. Within this effort, Prof Marian will be part of the Joint Advanced Propulsion Institute (JANUS), led by GeorgiaTech and which also includes Prof Richard Wirz at UCLA (read about it here).
March 2020:
   Our recent article in Nature Communications has been indexed in Sift Desk.
January 2020:
   Jaime has been promoted to Full Professor!
September 2019:
   Jaime appears as a co-author in a new Nature Materials article!
October 2019:
   We welcome Sicong (Alan) He as a new PhD in the Marian group!
June 2019:
   We welcome Martin Diehl, scientist at the Max Planck Institute for Iron Research in Duesseldorf, who will be staying with us until October.
April 2019:
   Marc has successfully defended his thesis! Congratulations to Dr Zhao, PHD in Materials Science and Engineering from UCLA!
   We welcome Pablo Molina and Sergio Luccarini in their visits to work in our group for a few months.
March 2019:
   Iris has successfully defended her thesis! Congratulations to Dr Chang, PHD in Materials Science and Engineering from UCLA!
January 2019:
   After four productive years at UCLA, Nikhil is starting as Assistant Professor at the University of Illinois (Urbana-Champaign) . We will miss him but we wish him the best and look forward to continuing the collaboration!
November 2018:
   Congratulations to Shu Huang for passing her qualifying oral exam!!
October 2018:
   Congratulations to Qianran Yu (MAE) for passing her qualifying oral exam!!
September 2018:
   We welcome Cameron McElfresh, new PhD student in the Marian group!!
   Research at the Marian Group featured in Scientific.net!
   Michael Reyes has passed his thesis defense! Congratulations to Dr Reyes, PhD in Mechanical Engineering from UCLA!.
   Nick Julian wins a 2018 DOE Office of Science Graduate Student Research (SCGSR) award!
June 2018:
   Qianran Yu and Shu Huang to do a five-week interneship at Los Alamos National Laboratory this summer.
May 2018:
   Iris has been selected to attend the prestigious Chemistry and Materials Summer School at LLNL this summer.
January 2018:
   We welcome Javier Segurado from IMDEA-Materials in Spain for a six-month sabbatical!
December 2017:
   Prof. Marian selected as a member of the executive committee of UCLA's Plasma Science and Technology Institute
September 2017:
   Congratulations to Nick Julian on winning a DOE Office of Science Graduate Student Research (SCGSR) Fellowship!
June 2017:
   Congratulations to Michael Reyes (MAE) on passing his qualifying oral exam!
May 2017:
   Sky passes his thesis defense. Congrats to Dr Huang!
March 2017:
   Jaime selected as an Editorial Board member of the Condensed Matter Physics section of Scientific Reports
   Congratulations to Marc and Nick on passing their qualifying oral exams!
January 2017:
   Marian group featured on UCLA's IDRE's Newsletter and Newsline!
December 2016:
   Jaime's dual appointment with the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department approved!
October 2016:
   Congratulations to Iris on passing her qualifying oral exam!.
September 2016:
   Iris Chang selected for a six-month internship at Apple as a simulations engineer for laser based material processing.
July 2016:
   Nikhil has been awarded a IDRE Postdoctoral Fellowship!
June 2016:
   Jaime to attend the COSIRES and Mod-PMI-2016 conferences in Loughborough, UK.
May 2016:
   Marian's group research is featured in Advances in Engineering.
April 2016:
   Glenn Jones visiting for 10 weeks from the University of Oxford
March 2016:
   Sky and Jaime attend the 2016 MRS Spring Meeting in Phoenix, AZ.
February 2016:
   Sky's first draft paper finished and published in ArXiV
September 2015:
   Jaime to deliver plenary talk at the ICFRM-17 conference in Germany    on October 11
June 2015:
   Congratulations to David on his new postdoctoral position at Johns    Hopkins!
   We welcome Asghar as a new postdoc in the group!
March 2015:
   Jaime and David attend the TMS Annual Meeting in Orlando, FL.
   Congrats to Sky Huang for passing his quals!

David's farewell luncheon, June 2015

Group picture, February 2017

Group picture, January 2020

With colleagues at ICFRM-19 in La Jolla, November 2019
Group picture, April 2023